I say pin it. Pin it good! - Carney
The Daily Carnage

I say pin it. Pin it good!

Be in the Know

10 Proven Strategies to Go Viral on Pinterest

Pinterest is a hotbed of creative inspiration as well as a place for brands to effectively influence users and sell products.
Like everything in the digital world, if you can develop and maintain a solid strategy, then you can rise in the ranks and reach the goals you set for yourself. Here are 10 tips from Search Engine Journal.
  1. Be Selective Of Your Boards: People on Pinterest are more interested in following content rather than those posting content. Take note of which of your boards are most successful and allocate your energy to promoting those above others. The board with the most pins may not even be the most popular.
  2. Pick the Best Time for Pinning: Buffer says that the best time to pin is around the afternoons and evenings. Aim to pin on weekdays between 2-4 p.m. and 9-11 p.m. EST or research what time your target market is most active.
  3. Take Advantage of Red Letter Days: Be sure to pin content related to upcoming holidays in order to spur action.
  4. Spark Engagement with Contests: Give away something awesome in your contests, but steer away from spammy tactics like asking Pinners to post tons of comments or requiring them to endorse your website or blog. Don’t run contests too often either.
  5. Keep an Eye Out for Popular Boards: This is a great way to get exposure to new followers. Look out for boards that have multiple contributors and lots of followers.
  6. Don’t Be Afraid to Curate: Folks on Pinterest aren’t expecting all original content on your boards. Pick and choose what photos support your brand’s expression while capturing attention.
Go forth and pin your way to inspiring your audience. SEJ has a few more tips left. Plus, if you’re looking for some proof in this Pinterest pudding, then check out Joy Cho’s boards to see these tips playing out.

Tired of sitting so much?

Happy Monday, folks! Today’s tool is coming straight outta our office. Our team switched to adjustable height desks a few years ago and it’s been one of our biggest productivity boosters.

We use iMovR‘s desks here at Carney, which has benefits of increased energy expenditure, lower-back pain relief, improved posture, and a few others.

What we're reading📚

Momentum: How to Propel Your Marketing and Transform Your Brand in the Digital Age by Shama Hyder

Be Your Best Friend’s Best Friend

Who’s a good dog? We’ll spare you the contemplation because every dog is a good dog! But you already knew that. Gotta love our furry, four-legged friends, and they love us back. Perhaps even more than we realize.

Just in case you feel your dog doesn’t love you enough, there’s Pup-Peroni to win them back. Take this fella for example – his pooch favored his ex over him, so he turned to his pal’s favorite treat to make things right.

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“Believe in life! Always human beings will live and progress to greater, broader, and fuller life.”

W. E. B. Du Bois


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