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Be in the Know

  • Instagram versus Pinterest? Not quite yet, but we may see a Facebook/Snapchat-esque showdown. There’s a string of code revealing Instagram may be offering a “make collection public” feature. Dig in here.
  • Roku is making bank. The media platform is on track to do $1b in revenue this year. It’s estimated that 1 in 5 U.S. households use Roku.

4 Ways to Get Better LinkedIn Engagement

Let’s kick off this fine Monday with some LinkedIn talk. We’re gonna assume you have a company LinkedIn page. So, how do you start to attract some serious attention?

Start with these 4 easy steps 👇🏼:

  1. Squad Goals: Strength in numbers is a real thing when it comes to engagement on your company page. It’s extremely beneficial to get your employees involved on LinkedIn. How to do it: Encourage your team to share company posts from their personal profiles. Part 2: Watch engagement go all the way up. Ok, we can’t guarantee that, but it’ll definitely help.
  2. Video, Video, Video: Love it or hate it, video isn’t going anywhere. The popular B2B platform has been openly bullish on video content. If you pay attention to LinkedIn at all, it’s pretty clear the algorithm prioritizes video. Start with a few educational videos. Have some fun with it!
  3. Consistency is Key: Come up with a consistent content calendar and stick to it. All too often, companies begin posting, don’t see results and throw in the towel. Don’t be that company.
  4. It’s All in the Data: We’re piggybacking off step 3 here. In order to maximize engagement on LinkedIn, it’s crucial to have an understanding of key metrics; post times, most engaging content, competition, etc.

Dive in really deep below.

Easy Employee Engagement

Remember ‘Step 1’ from above? It was all about getting your employees to engage on LinkedIn.

But, if only there was a tool to make that process easier…

Enter Babmu. Babmu allows employees to easily find company content to share in one place. This tool is 🔥.

What we like: This tool is multifaceted. Not only does it allow your team to easily share company posts, but it’s also a great way to educate employees on company happenings.

What we don’t like: The reporting side of things could be better.

Sweaty Hands

We saw this film when it came out and were completely blown away. In honor of Free Solo winning the Oscar last night for best documentary, we thought it’d be fitting to share.

You don’t have to be into climbing in any way to appreciate someone climbing 3k feet without a rope. Congrats to Alex and the crew!

Alright, you ready to get sweaty hands? Watch the trailer below.

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