Reading into things - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Reading into things

Conversion stats and good reads.

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Q for You

On average, how many books do you read per month?

What’s a good conversion rate for my landing page?

What is a good landing page conversion rate? It’s a hefty question. One that we get all the time and so do the folks at Unbounce. We recommend the first step to answer that Q is looking to industry standards from a reliable source. 

Here’s why benchmarks can energize your marketing strategy:

  1. Identify gaps between your performance and your industry’s baseline conversion rate. 
  2. Build a culture of continuous improvement
  3. Help you see where you can optimize based on data-supported best practices. 

Unbounce is sharing its 2020 Conversion Benchmark Report that’s more than worthy of the title. See Unbounce used machine learning to analyze 186.9 million visits to 34,132 Unbounce-built landing pages. This means reliable, median (not average) conversion rates broken down to 16 key industries.  

Let’s take the next step and go beyond the benchmarks. How can you use this AI-backed research to improve your conversion rates? 

  • Look at how you’re communicating with your audience. You want the fewest hurdles coming between your audience and your offer, so clarity is your goal. This means understanding your audience’s reading ease. Do they respond to straight-forward or sophisticated language?
  • Evaluate the length of your landing page. There’s no magic answer here. Depending on your offer and industry, you might need more or fewer words to get your point across.  What do you need to say to make your offer clear and appealing? 
  • Relate to your audience through emotion. After all, emotions are a driving force to buyer behavior. For example, “trust” wording might not work as well as “anticipation” wording. 
  • A/B testing is the best way to confirm your efforts. Hands down. Industry benchmarks reveal trends and learnings for you to see where you can improve, but A/B testing will confirm what does or doesn’t work for your business. 

A good conversion rate is one that can be improved upon. Read on to the Tools and snag Unbounce’s report.

2020 Conversion Benchmark Report

Unbounce’s latest 2020 Conversion Benchmark Report gives marketers industry-wide landing page data to help gauge performance. They’ve run a machine learning analysis of 186 million visits, 19 million conversions, and 34 thousand landing pages across 16 different industries.

Take a deep dive into this report to find insights such as:

  • Software pages convert 10% below the overall industry baseline.
  • Negative language that might hurt conversions on legal pages.
  • Joy and anticipation on e-commerce pages see higher conversion rights.

Sad Mona Lisa

The mystery of Mona Lisa’s smile is an inspiration for artists and spectators all over the world. This masterpiece holds its place in history and will meet the eyes of many millions of people to come.

MIDEA has its own idea of why the Mona Lisa appears so content in her portrait: air conditioning. Yep. Just try to sit for hours indoors without AC in the Italian heat and you’ll know how hard it can be to look your best.

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Daymond John


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