Is Your SEO Actually Working?
SEO Rules Everything Around Me…S.R.E.A.M.? But seriously, we love talking about SEO – it’s as vital to a business as well, money. Take it from today’s Listen star, Neil Patel. “In a world where over 90% of online experiences start with a search engine, showing up on the front page of Google can be the deciding factor between a business that’s thriving and one that’s bankrupt.”
But, how do you know if your SEO efforts are really paying off? In this 4-minute (#blessings) episode of Marketing School, Neil and Eric talk about:
- Tools they use to track SEO effectiveness (Authority Labs & Google Search Console) and how they work
- Impressions first, site traffic later
- What it means when your impressions don’t increase over time (spoiler: your SEO is bunk)
- Patience – did you know it takes up to 6 months to see results in SEO?

5 Ways to Boost Customer Retention
Let’s play a game!
Would you rather: A) retain existing customers or B) onboard new ones?
If you’re like us, you probably want option A. Well, if you’re like us, you want B, too. Businesses need both to survive and grow. When was the last time you took a good, hard look at your tactics to retain customers? Marketers gotta handle that, too.
Today’s Read breaks down some genius tactics to hanging onto your existing customers. Here are a few these ideas:
- Gamify your product – People love competing against one another. Gamification can help promote friendly competition and brand loyalty.
- Get personal – You already know the importance of personalization, but it can truly make a difference in retaining or losing customers.
- Get serious about clever content – Writing a blog just to write one isn’t enough to retain customers. You’ve gotta educate and sometimes entertain them. There’s that edutainment idea again.
Bonus: This article also includes 15 tools to help you retain fave customers.

Stop Using Office Buzzwords in Your Marketing
Not everyone is a fan of office buzzwords. We can’t say, touch base, deep dive, or circle back offline without a little cringe.
Buzzwords are alive and well in offices across the country, but they’re particularly ugh-worthy as website copy. We’d wager to say that a lot of readers roll their eyes when they read them. Let’s end the buzzword buzz and just say what we mean to say. Forget the fillers phrases and get real. We’ll circle back offline to see how it’s going. (Kiddiiiiing)
Do you use any of these 5 office buzzwords during your day?
“If your stories are all about your products and services, that’s not storytelling. It’s a brochure. Give yourself permission to make the story bigger.”
Jay Baer