Viral Domination - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Viral Domination

Yet another week in the ‘verses.

Be In The Know

10 Must-Have Organic Video Types for YouTube

With more than 500 hours of content uploaded every minute, YouTube is a crowded space. The key to successful YouTube marketing is to create high-quality, engaging video content and embrace the power of a paid strategy for faster results. Here are the top 10 video types that work like magic:

    1. Social media videos (e.g., YouTube Shorts, Stories, and Community posts).
    2. How-to videos and/or explainer videos.
    3. Branded stories (e.g., short films, series, and/or documentaries).
    4. Interviews with influencers and/or subject matter experts.
    5. Thought-leadership videos with company leaders.
    6. Stories about your organization.
    7. Customer testimonials, case studies, and/or success stories.
    8. Product demonstrations, either animated or actual.
    9. External training videos and/or formal education on topics.
    10. Livestreaming videos (e.g., YouTube Live and Premieres).

Check out SEJ’s guide to YouTube marketing for more tips.

Q For You

How deep has your organization tapped into AI so far?

What Would They Say?

Ever wondered how Einstein would react to the latest SpaceX launch? What Would They Say uses AI to reincarnate famous figures, letting them loose on today’s headlines. It’s like having a time machine for your daily news digest.

Secret Client

Flo and her Progressive colleagues star in a not-so-subtle co-promotion with Warner Bros. “Ken” you guess who?

Ads from the Past

Subaru, 1990s

Subaru, 1990s


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