you got punk'd - Carney
The Daily Carnage

you got punk’d

April Fools

We did a thing yesterday. Some of you loved it. Some of you hated it. It was all in good fun. If we offended you, we’re sorry, but we couldn’t let April Fools go by without some kind of prank.

Replies ranged from, “fire the person behind that email,” to “hilarious, well played, you guys rock.”

For our data-loving folks, our open rate was our highest ever at 68% and our CTR was 15%. Only 170 people unsubscribed. Ah, the price you pay for a prank.

We’ll share an in-depth blog post on our April Fools stunt this Friday.

Be in the Know

How to Capture Email Leads

“What do we want?” Emails.

“How we gonna get ’em?” Read below.

Despite the occasional article claiming that “email is dead,” email marketing remains one of our greatest assets as marketers. Not having an engaging email list makes email marketing (umm), slightly difficult.

Here are 5 ways to effectively capture more email leads for your next campaign.

  1. What’s in it for me? This approach is similar to that nagging little kid asking “why” about everything. Think more like that kid when it comes to your email marketing approach. You need to have a strong enough offer to elicit an email address. Groundbreaking stuff there, right? But seriously, shifting your mindset to “what’s in it for me” can do wonders.
  2. Target the right segments. With limited traffic in the early stages, you’re likely ok with one lead magnet. As your content scales though, you need to make sure you’re targeting the right person with the right offer.
  3. Timing is everything. If you’re selling a product (let’s say t-shirts), it’s not a bad idea to offer a 15% discount (popup) right away for first-time visitors. If you’re selling a service and a visitor lands on your blog, you’ll want to put more thought into the behavior of your popup. Example: giving the visitor a chance to read a few paragraphs before distracting them.
  4. Proper lead magnet: What’s your freebie? You have a lot of options here. Ebooks, email courses, webinars, free tools, templates, etc.
  5. Reduce friction: Another groundbreaking tip! But, you’d be surprised how much low hanging fruit you can find by doing a quick audit of your capture forms and customer flow.


Think Instagram shopping tags, but anywhere! 

Tag allows you to add product tags on any image and share them on your shop, blog or social media. This is a newer SaaS product, so you may encounter a bug or two. We gave it a whirl and are digging it so far.

You get 1 collection for free. Give it a go below.

Bullsh*t Free Eggs

You’re gonna wanna watch this. Vital Farms lays out the difference between cage-free and pasture-raised eggs in the best way possible.

The 1:20 mark is everything. Well played Vital Farms.

Ads from the Past

Not a bad combo. Drambuie circa 1981.


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