How the Best Brands are Crafting Their Instagram Stories - Carney
The Daily Carnage

How the Best Brands are Crafting Their Instagram Stories

Instagram launched Stories about 22 months ago. And Adespresso is running through the most followed brands to see how they are captivating audiences with Instagram Stories.

Crew, we’re heading into an untapped territory. Have you all heard of this really cool social platform called Instagram Stories?

Okay, okay, we’re kidding. Of course you’ve heard of IG Stories. But the format is only about 22 months old, and a lot of brands haven’t jumped on board yet. There’s a lot to explore with it.

So we might not be giving you a new platform, but we are giving you some inspiration from the most followed brands on IG to see how they’re captivating their audiences with Stories. Let’s get going!

1. Nike dominates with contests
Nike Just Does It (sorry, that was terrible) on Stories. Nike opened an international competition to design a new shoe. This invited fans into Nike’s production process and the whole idea makes us wanna bow down to the genius brand.

To make this successful for you, AdEspresso recommends having over 10k followers for success on a worldwide contest and don’t forget to hype it up. Like announce and post about it daily and include rewards!

2. The New York Times shares the good stuff
When it comes to Stories, NYT is dedicated to sharing positive vibes only. And we absolutely love this concept. Each story in “Good News” is presented in a slideshow format, with easy to read captions, and has a happy ending.

Wanna try this out for yourself? Just remember one important tip: make sure content is easy to digest!

3. MeUndies starts a hashtag convo
The ecomm underwear brand leverages user-generated content in Stories and boosts involvement with branded hashtags. For example, to promote their customer referral program they’ve used #freeundies.

Pulling something similar requires a ton of research on what is genuinely relevant to your brand that partners with customer value and make way for conversation. Once you pick a hashtag, check it regularly and repost your favorites.

And here’s one quick stat for you: 72% of people surveyed for a study said they’d purchased an item based on the content they saw on Instagram. Basically, if you sell…anything…you need to be on there.

Click through to get more on brands we mentioned and don’t forget to check out National Geographic and Glossier.


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