Casper Marketing: How a Mattress Company Went from 0 to $750 Million in 4 Years
Here’s something we just tried around the office…ask someone to name the first thing that comes to mind when you say “Casper.” Most people around here said “mattress.” But if you asked that 4 years ago, everyone would’ve said “ghost.” So how does that change happen in just 4 years?
Really. Good. Marketing.
And with the help of Sleeknote, we’re unveiling their Really Good Marketing plan right here, right now. Lots to cover so let’s get to it…
Strategy #1: Reinvent The Buying Experience. Casper was one of the first “bed in a box” mattresses. Before them, buying a mattress was awkward and time-consuming. Casper simplified that process.
But, more than that, they also set out to make that process exciting. Casper capitalized on a growing trend by asking customers to record their unboxing experience and upload it to YouTube. This works really well. In fact, most of Casper’s social traffic comes from…YouTube!
Moral of the story: Capitalize on trends to shake things up in your industry.
Strategy #4 (skipped a few): Create a Go-To Comparison Resource. Casper’s Mattress Sizing Guide doesn’t have many words, but it ranks #1 for a TON of keywords (likely because it’s so valuable that it gets backlinks).
Takeaway: If you sell different types of products, create a comparison guide that helps buyers find the right one for them.
Strategy #5: Showcase All Reviews in One Place (even the bad ones). Today’s buyers want to read reviews. Make it easy for them. Casper aggregates all of its reviews on one page. You know what? Just copy this page for your website.
Strategy #6: Build White-Hat Education Backlinks. .Edu is the holy grail of backlinks. And Casper has a ton of them because they create student discounts just for college students. Then, they reached out to colleges to let them know. This got them a gazillion .edu backlinks.
Strategy #10: Monopolize Your Search Ads. In love with this strategy. Adwords only lets your ad show up once per search, right? Right. But, Casper decided to put ad spend behind their product page, their Amazon page, and their Google reviews. That way when someone searches one of their target keywords, Casper wins three times.
There is so much goodness in this post. You gotta read it yourself…

Need to Spring Clean Your Marketing? These 10 Ideas Will Help
Ooooooh spring. Mr. blue sky comes out more often, flowers begin to bloom, and little yellow specks turn every human into allergy goblins. Yes, we’re talkin’ about pollen. It’s the absolute worst! Even the trees are constantly trying to shake it off. Okay, sorry for our pollen rant.
This time of the year has its ups and downs. That’s for sure. But what doesn’t? Marketing surely does. So a nice spring marketing cleaning can go a seriously long way to bringing future value. According to Story Brand, here’s what you gotta do if you want spring cleaning done right.
1. Can a caveman buy from your site?
This isn’t to demean consumers but to express simplicity and directness. Story Brand notes within the first 5 secs, a first-time visitor will make a decision to stay or go based on your offer, if it solves their problem, and how the buying process works.
3. Run a content audit.
All you have to do is open Google Analytics, run a report on the 100 most visited pages over the past year, and go through these questions:
a. Are the actions taken on those pages serving your bottom line?
b. How can you improve pages to drive better conversions?
c. Are you making this face from any of the top pages? If so, you might wanna take a closer look at why that is.
5. Clean up your email list!
We really credit this to the success of our high open rate. To do this, look at subscribers that have been stagnant for 18 months. Pull out that list and attempt a special re-engagement email campaign to get them interested again. If that doesn’t work, just get rid of ’em and move on with your cleaner list.
8. Revisit or develop your asset library.
You need to keep things organized so you can work efficiently. So, take twenty minutes to go through your brand assets for most recent, approved versions of company/brand imaging, and make a list of any new material you could want.
Alrighty, it’s up to you to discover the rest. Happy cleaning!

Why The Incredibles Need ADT
Does your home security system protect against attacks from super-villains hiding in your bathtub? No? Might be time for an upgrade because ADT’s does.
Okay, it doesn’t really do that. But that’s at least what ADT wants you to think.
In anticipation of the release of The Incredibles 2, ADT teamed up with Pixar to do a little bit of that co-marketing that we love so much.
In the ad, Pixar showcases ADT’s features inside The Incredible’s home. They highlight the use of motion detection to keep intruders out, and keep The Incredible’s invisible kids in. ADT’s Smoke detectors are also useful for the family considering they have a toddler who likes to burst into flames.
See what else they’ve mashed together in this thirty second short.
“Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them. Sometimes, it’s an ad.”
Howard Gossage