Proven Ways to Get More Views, Engagement, and Shares for Your Facebook Videos
8 BILLION videos are watched on Facebook every single day. If you and your business haven’t entered into the fold yet, you’re missing out. Save the FOMO for a weekend with your family when you could be at that rooftop party instead.
In this 12-minute podcast, the hosts of Science of Social Media share proven ways to get more engagement, as well as key insights from the latest studies. Press play and learn how to slay the video game.
- (02:00) Focus on these first strategies: video title, thumbnail and the first 3 seconds.
- (02:15) The “Buzzfeed title” vs. the “publisher title”.
- (02:45) People respond well when you add your own spin to the content with a witty delivery (the Buzzfeed title).
- (03:15) How to pick the best thumbnail to use.
- (03:30) Start your vid by getting right to the point.
- (03:55) How to pick your content.
- (04:30) Reuse, repurpose, recycle (Rihanna) your content. Edit that dope blog post into a digestible 60 second video.
- (04:55) Curate and repurpose trending or interesting industry news.
- (06:00) If you’re just dryly talking about your biz, you’re gonna have a bad time.
- (06:35) The 3 ways to optimize your videos for improved performance.
- (06:53) Square videos outperform landscape videos.
- (07:40) Square videos take up 78% more real estate on mobile than desktop. (Pssst… FB has 1.1 billion mobile users.)
- (08:10) Buzzsumo analyzed more than 100 million videos and found that top performers were 60-90 seconds long.
- (09:05) Facebook’s new Watch tab and the future of video.
- (10:10) Add captions in your video! Either by editing an existing video or using an editing tool like Animoto.
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Conversion Rate Optimization Questions (and Answers)
I scream for CRO, you scream for CRO, we all scream for CRO!
Conversion Rate Optimization is serious business. When your landing pages are properly optimized for conversions, you’re going to get more leads. It’s just that easy.
Okay, maybe not that easy because there are about 1,860,472 different ways (we did the math) to optimize a landing page for conversions. With all those different options, you’ve likely got questions about CRO. And we’ve got answers! That’s a lie. We don’t, but the good people at WiderFunnel do.
They’re answering 30 questions about CRO question that will help you on your journey to be a conversion king (or queen).
Some of our favorites:
- The biggest mistake in CRO – Many people don’t have a strategy in place for proper experimentation. They just try things randomly with no way to track results properly.
- What is CRO personalization? It isn’t just using someone’s first and last name on a landing page. It’s the art of talking to people on a 1:1 level on your website, but it’s not always easy (or possible).
- How do you have CRO success with lower traffic websites? Start with understanding who your current website visitors are, and then build a larger, more impactful testing variation.
- When do you make the call for A/B tests for statistical significance? Let the tests run for at least a week, and ideally two weekends, to iron out that seasonality effect.
That’s only 4. There are a whole heck of a lot more in today’s Read.

Halo Top’s Creepy Robot
Halo Top is one of the biggest ice cream brands in America right now. They’re on fire! Wait…no…that doesn’t make sense for ice cream. We’ll just say that they’re the coolest kids on the block. Either way, they’ve built up this huge brand with barely any traditional advertising. Until now. They’ve just launched a 90-second spot, and we gotta be honest—it’s creepy. It’s weird. And it makes us a little uncomfortable.
In the ad, you’ll see a woman being force fed ice cream by a creepy robot. Yeah, you just gotta watch this one yourself.
We’re not calling it a swing and a miss (because it got us talking), but it’s uhh…out there. What do you guys think? We’ll have the discussion on our Facebook Group.
“Even if you are on the right track, You’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
Will Rogers