In-person (event)ually - Carney
The Daily Carnage

In-person (event)ually

Marketing events on social media and a trashy commercial.

Q for You

Are you planning on hosting any events in 2021?

Be in the Know

17 Checkpoints for Social Media Event Marketing

How many of y’all love event planning? Whether you love it or hate it, it takes a lot of work. Luckily, you’re not alone when it comes to event planning. Many before us have successfully (and unsuccessfully) planned events so we can learn from what works best. For instance, if you’re planning a garden party, you might check out The Ultimate Guide to Throwing a Garden Party by James Trickington. (Better buy it fast, because it’s known to sell out.)

Whatever your event is, you’ll want to utilize your social media channels to ensure the event’s success. Here are Socialbakers’ 17 checkpoints for social media event marketing.

  • Decide On Your Social Media Event Marketing Objectives. While you’re marketing your event on social media, you still want to tie it back to your brand. Create content for each stage of the buying cycle, so you don’t exclude important segments of your audience.
  • Create a Hashtag for Social Media Events. Hashtags will help you build buzz around topics and events. In addition to your typical branded hashtags, create hashtags specific to your events. Look for short ones that haven’t been used, and consider how easy they are for someone to spell out if they’ve only heard it out loud.
  • Use Teaser Posts to Drive Interest. Give your audience some piece of content that will build excitement rather than just telling them to mark their calendars. This could be a clip from a past event or even a sneak peek at something you’ve put together for the upcoming event. After you’ve teased the event, you can tell them when, where, and how to attend.
  • Sell Tickets via Social Media. Most smartphone users feel comfortable purchasing things on their phones, so make it easy for them to purchase event tickets. Mobilize influencers and partners involved in your event to sell tickets as well by offering affiliate links. Also, create ticket tiers such as early bird and VIP, to incentivize people to purchase now or get access to more of your content or offerings when the event occurs.

Don’t miss any of the remaining checkpoints.


Many marketers are eager to host and attend events in 2021. However, the biggest question right now is whether they should be virtual or onsite. If you’re settled on the former, then BigMarker will help you pull it off.

This platform goes beyond the standard Zoom calls we’ve all become accustomed to. BigMarker brings you a comprehensive solution that handles your event welcomes, ticketing, check-in, networking, and much more. Plus, you can create a “lounge” for your room where attendees can meet and chat about various topics.

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Dear Trash

There are a lot of trashy things in the world. Like littering. Or just trash itself. I mean, what’s trashier than trash?

Ambev brings us an ad about recycling for a cleaner world. We can all do our part so the burden doesn’t fall more heavily on others. Considering this ad was composed of waste, it has to be one of the trashiest ads we’ve seen.

Ads from the Past

1960, Union Pacific

“Before you create any more ‘great content,’ figure out how you are going to market it first.”

Joe Pulizzi


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