Be in the Know
- Clubhouse’s Android Version is Moving Closer, as Competitors Continue to Rise
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- The business imperative behind inclusion and diversity
Earn Press Coverage for Your Brand in 5 Steps
Let’s face it, marketers are professional attention seekers. It’s not a bad thing. Some things need the attention of others, and we’re going to do everything we can to get that attention. Whether it’s a paid search ad, an organic social post, or even a sign on a bus stop bench, we want somebody to see it.
When you want the whole world (or just part of it) to see what you’re all about, press coverage is a huge help. While any press may be good press, we’re talking about the kind of press you plan for – not the press you get when a hacker takes over your Twitter. Here’s how to earn press coverage for your brand in 5 steps from Moz.
- Ideation. Before you even decide on your piece of content, figure out what kinds of press outlets you’d like to see coverage in. Are they national news outlets or industry-specific sources? Furthermore, what headlines would you like to see? Working in reverse will help you better define the means to the end you wish to pursue.
- Producing a content marketing campaign. Determine what question you want to answer in your content piece and think about what kind of data you’ll need to back up your answer. Will a survey allow you to collect the data you need? Perhaps a history of a topic’s popularity on Google Trends can show you its wavering relevance over time. Pick the best source of data to accurately inform your readers.
- Design and copywriting. Organizing your data and using it to tell a compelling story is a must. Think about how you can present your data and story in a chart or infographic as well. These sorts of graphics are constantly used in press coverage, so don’t miss out on creating a well-designed and easily shareable graphic. Include your logo so people will know who created it even if it isn’t linked to you.
Press on for the remaining steps.
Q for You
Information is like glitter: it gets all over the place. There are so many sources of information, and you can search the far corners of the web to find info relevant to you and your audience. Reign it all in with Croncycle.
This content aggregation tool helps you find the latest relevant info to your business and your audience. Take some of the legwork out of hunting for news articles, videos, blogs, social media posts, and more. Not only does Croncycle help you find the content you need, but it also makes sharing a breeze.
There’s only so much you’re capable of doing on your own. You can work fast, and you can work hard, but you’ll reach your limit eventually.
The key is enabling people around you to help with your goals. This is precisely one of the ways we’ve grown The Daily Carnage. We enable our audience to easily share our newsletter with others.
Reach out and we’ll get you up and running with Scalemail so you can transcend email list growth limitations.

More Cat Time
Living with someone often means you’re watching the same shows, eating the same food, going to the same places, and developing some of the same habits. The key is to find someone who never tires of it all.
Temptations gives us this ad about a man and his cat spending lots of quality time together. While it’s good for pets to adapt to your lifestyle, it’s also important to adapt to theirs. However, there comes a point where enough is enough. Before too long these two will be indistinguishable.
“Good SEO work only gets better over time. It’s only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change.”
Jill Whalen