#newsletter #marketing #email
Be in The Know
- Ad Leaders are launching Blackweek, a DEI industry conference set for October in New York.
- What do you do when your brand goes viral entirely outside of your target audience? Ten-year-olds love this expensive skincare and makeup line.
- Should we still be using hashtags on LinkedIn?
- These are the privacy and AI policies to watch in 2024.
SEO Checklist for 2024
Here are the SEO considerations that should be top of mind for a new year:
- Outline the potential strategic moves, new products, markets, audiences and pivots your brand or business may take this year.
- Keep an eye on industry and economic trends and predictions for the year.
- Consider how the way customers search or buy your product or service may have changed.
- Map out your key competitors to include new players.
- Do an old fashioned SEO SWOT.
- Review your best and worst performing content across formats and channels.
- Consider your preferred tools and reports — what can you optimize>
- Find opportunities where you can embrace AI.
- Ask for feedback from the recipients of your SEO reports to refine.
- Review your team of partners, freelancers, and colleagues. Is everyone set up for success?
- Ensure that your keywords are still relevant and align with user intent.
- Build out your content roadmap for each quarter.
- Review your website health and technical SEO.
- Ask yourself why your target publications will want to talk about your business in 2024.
- Communicate with other teams and departments to align on goals.
Dive deeper into each task at Search Engine Land.
Smash or Pass
Writer Ads
Take a free peek at the Facebook and Instagram ads of some of the most successful email newsletters with Writer Ads. Get a quick look at live ad schedules, platforms, creative, and ad versions to understand the strategies competitors are testing out.
Do I Contradict Myself?
You contain multitudes, and your Netflix home screen is a testament to that. This spooky new spot might have been an exploration of choice paralysis and a criticism of infinite consumption. Instead, it’s a celebration of all your selves, even the one who secretly enjoys watching Emily in Paris when your partner is away at a work thing.