Show Your Math 🤖 - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Show Your Math 🤖

AI transparency converts.

Be in The Know

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♻️ Coca-Cola crushed its logo for a recycling campaign. Plus, you can download the SoundZ to create your own melody out of  the “phsst, fizz, clink, glug, ahhh” of Coke.

🥵 Move over, milk. Stella Artois is the official beverage of First We Feast’s Hot Ones.

🔗 Google confirms that links are not really that important.

🤖 10 times Grok AI got it way, way wrong.

🌐 Nearly half of global Internet traffic was from bots in 2023.

🐄 Impossible Foods turned a cattle ranch into plant-based meat operation.

AI Prompt: A cow in a field of wildflowers. Watercolors.

Explain Your AI Usage to Boost Sales

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People are more likely to trust and follow AI recommendations when they understand them.

If you’re providing AI or algorithm-based recommendations to customers, make sure to explain the logic behind the reco.

So, instead of “You may also like XYZ,” try “You may also like XYZ because people like you rated it 5/5 stars.”

In the case of functional, practical products, consumers were 12.5% to 17.6% more likely to follow these recommendations and purchase your product. Plus, 54.6% were more likely to click “See more details.”

Why does it work? Well, folks are still skeptical about AI, so building transparency into our AI usage—from e-comm plug-ins to content and beyond—can build consumer trust.

Check out the research over at Ariyh.

Q for You

Will you test TikTok's new 30:00 video length capability?


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Listen, we know we’re not your only newsletter. Favorite, for sure. But.

Jellypod uses AI to convert content from all of your newsletters into a personalized daily podcast.

That way, you can enjoy a relaxing soundbath of news and culture instead of scrolling infinitely.

Steal Artois

The Stella Artois chalice is a thing of beauty and art, which is why lots of sticky fingers have smuggled it home from the bar over the years.

In a new integrated campaign, the brand has created a clever fashion capsule to honor the tradition.

Steal Artois

The Steal Artois Collection features five exclusively designed garments with covert, chalice-sized pockets.

It’s a brilliant way turn a troubling data point into a celebration of brand fans.

Ads from the Past

Stella Artois, 1970s

Stella Artois, 1970s


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