Q for You
Be In The Know
- Twitter turns off its original SMS service in most countries
- TikTok launches Donation Stickers, allowing creators to fundraise for coronavirus relief efforts
- Instagram Sees Greatest Gains From Recent Social Media Spikes
- Unilever looks to advertising for cost savings as coronavirus slows growth
How to Write Customer Success Stories That Sell
Wouldn’t it be nice if customers knew the greatness of our respective companies and bought without much question?
Thank goodness that’s not the case. A world without marketing is a boring one. We’re leaning on CoSchedule today to supercharge our conversion and sales efforts with customer success stories (CSS).
CSS is a stand-alone content piece that clearly shows the benefits of working with a company from the perspective of its customers.
How to find the right customers to feature in CSS? Start by evaluating your current CRM data to find traits of happy customers:
- Long-time buyer
- Spend more money than most
- Buy frequently
- Refer others to you
How should you reach out to happy customers? When you start outreach, focus on making your message specific and relevant to the customer. CoScedule actually has an email template already drafted for you to use!
What to ask your customers after they say yes to an interview? Your customers could have the most amazing success story but you have to draw it out of them. CoSchedule has a list of 20 questions you can use. Here’s what you’ll want to cover within your questions:
- Customer background
- Customer challenge
- Their process for finding a solution
- Their chosen solution
- Implementation
- Outcomes/benefits they achieved
- Future plans
How to turn the interview into evergreen content? These are the building blocks to create a powerful piece of content that lives on your website:
- A strong, click-enticing headline
- Company information: industry, company size, revenue, and other facts pertinent to your product
- Brief overview: an introductory paragraph that calls out the most impressive outcomes and metrics
- The story itself: a narrative that includes your customer’s challenge, the solution they’ve implemented, and the outcome they’ve experienced.
There are more fantastic tips we couldn’t cover. Smash the button!
Q&A Hub
Speaking of supercharged content… Brainstorming fresh content ideas that are both helpful and relevant can be a more daunting task than it sounds.
One place to look is inside Quora. If you don’t know, Quora is a hub that lets users ask questions and receive answers. It’s a pretty useful tool for content marketers to discover what kind of questions their audiences are asking.
Search for your industry or relevant topics and find discussions to help you with blogging inspiration. Plus, you can share your content and gain awareness by answering questions too.
Book: Everybody Writes
Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content
Ann Handley

Stop The Stock
There’s a lot that we’re inundated with even in the comfort of our own homes. Be it news reports regarding the status of COVID-19, or video calls with family, friends, coworkers, and clients.
Vision Thing encourages us to stay inside to stop not just the spread of coronavirus, but also the spread of stock footage. Surely you’ve seen it – aerial footage of cities, people smiling uncontrollably on their couches, professionals sipping coffee in front of laptops – it’s spreading rapidly, so stay inside and stop the stock.
“We should remind ourselves that laughing together is as close as you can get to another person without touching, and sometimes it represents a closer tie than touching ever could.”
Regina Barreca