Good news, crew! Just 1 more work day until turkey, stuffing, and all the pumpkin pie we can eat.
Anyway, here’s the rundown of today’s Daily Carnage:
- AdEspresso tested 4 different Facebook ad CTA’s. The winner? Well, you’ll have to read on to find out.
- Our friends over at Animalz wrote a killer piece on content strategy.
- Swiss retailer, Manor, took a page out of Pixar’s book for their Christmas ad.
Keep scrollin’ for the good stuff…

What’s the Best CTA For Your Facebook Ads? (a $1,000 Experiment)
Question of the day: What do you prioritize when creating a Facebook Ad?
Is it an attention-grabbing photo? Clever copy? Or maybe you’re dialing in that audience-targeting?
None of those are wrong. But, if your answer doesn’t include a call to action button, then this is for you:
The CTA button is what increases conversions and convinces people to click and take any steps of action. With about 20 different CTA options on FB, how do you know which one is a right fit for you?
Luckily, AdEspresso spent some time and money and did the research so you don’t have to. 🙏
AdEspresso spent $1,000 on four of the same Facebook Ads promoting their free Ebook with different CTA buttons ($250 per ad for 11 days). They tested the response rate of:
- No Button
- Learn More
- Download
- Sign Up
The AdEspresso team predicted that any button would be more beneficial than no button at all. Here’s what they uncovered:
- Not having any CTA button can increase the cost per lead about 2.5 times, and yes, having any sort of button worked better than having none at all.
- The winning button: “Download” with 49 leads at $5.10 each. But…why? The ad itself could have provided enough information to entice the viewers to download it right from the ad. #ThatWasEasy
- The runner-up, “Learn More” with 36 leads at $9.94 each, may have indicated that more reading needed to be done, which is can be time-consuming (and aint nobody got time for that).
There’s more CTA insight. All you gotta do is click the CTA below 👇

The Marketing Executive’s Guide to Content Strategy
It might be a short week, and you might be ready to check out, but that just means it’s the perfect time to think about your content strategy.
Making the best decisions for your content team is the 🔑 to its success. And the key to making the best decisions? Strategy.
Since no two content strategies are the same, Animalz is here to help make sure you’re asking all of the right questions.
Let’s get to it, shall we?
1) Know What Problem Your Content Is Addressing
A+ content should aim to solve a problem that your company or product faces. Is it product awareness? A long sales cycle? Bottom line: you can’t implement a content strategy without already knowing the problem you want to solve.
Content may not be the best move for the top of the funnel; when you discover what it is you want your content to address, assess where your content would have the most impact.
2) Measure The Right Metrics
It’s a lot easier than you think to implement a strategy aaaand then measure the wrong metrics. (Talk about taking an L.) Make sure you know what metrics to measure based on the content you ask your team to create.
3) Invest In The Right Resources
Yeah, it’s nothing new that content creation is expensive. That’s why it’s so important to find the right people to do the job. Consider hiring someone to run in-house marketing and can oversee all of the steps necessary for successful content, both execution and creation.
You know what to do if you wanna read the full guide (hint: click ↓↓).

The Gift
With only one work day left (we’re not counting today), we’re in a particularly festive mood. This 2018 holiday spot from Swiss retailer, Manor, takes a page out of Pixar’s Digital Short book. We are all for it.
It’s a tale of a young boy who gets a little peek at Santa’s workshop and one seriously nervous elf. And holy moly, what an adorably hilarious ad with an even better ending!
It’s a little over two minutes but y’all you know how the Grinch‘s heart grew three sizes the day he discovered the real meaning of Christmas? Well, our hearts grew just from watching this ad.
“Sometimes when you’re in a dark place you think you’ve been buried, but you’ve actually been planted.”
Christine Caine
Ads from the Past

This Hellman’s ad came out in 1958. And whether you enjoy homemade cranberry sauce or the canned stuff that flops out like a slug (not a fan of the canned stuff, if you couldn’t tell), we gotta say putting mayonnaise on top never occurred to us.
We triple dog dare ya to try it.