Wake up and choose chaos - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Wake up and choose chaos

Data, decks, and daughters on the daily.

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Best Practices to Eliminating Data Chaos

Mo’ data, mo’ problems. We will not shut up about how important customer data is. But we’re all collecting it like crazy, usually making complex profiles or workflows that aren’t doing the most for us. Or worse, we’re collecting it and doing nothing. Or even WORSE, we’re not collecting it and mismanaging the data we have.

Data chaos is not fun and can end up costing you in wasted ad spend if you aren’t careful. As we are moving towards a cookie-less world, this is not where you want to be. So let’s run through your data-wrangling best practices.

  • Embrace Cloud Collaboration: This is where it all starts. Cloud systems mean documents, files, and records can be accessed and synced between various systems and devices without worrying about duplication or legacy issues.
  • Integrate Content Applications: By leveraging APIs and connectors, you can find data harmony with seamless integration of modern content services with existing systems while also getting a deeper level of analytics and insights.
  • Secure Your Assets: Privacy and security: two of the biggest data priorities. Data security always needs to be a priority. But if you want an open, accessible platform that allows the unfettered flow of data and information across the company and with external third-party partners…how do you keep it on lock? Luckily cloud-based platforms meet industry-specific requirements while giving strict control over access and privileges.
  • Empower Employees: Legacy systems often rely on IT or the person wearing the data crown of the company to configure reports for them. Cloud systems allow remote teams to take control of their workday and be more proactive with data.

See KMWorld’s full write-up on the best practices for eliminating data chaos and information silos in 2021.

Q for You

Have you advertised with Amazon Advertising?


There are a LOT of visual tools out there that can bring your ideas to life. What about a tool to put those tools together? Figma links, PPT presentations, videos, images, GIFs, you name it. Paste by WeTransfer can put your files and scribbles into modular, designed slides. This makes for presentation perfection in no time. Your mood boards, pitch decks, and visual presentations can all be formatted to different devices so your work can be displayed without any awkward zooming, squeezing, or tilting. Test it out to see how you can smash your ideas together.


Ya see that referral box at the bottom of the Daily Carnage? That’s Scalemail. It allows our fans to become our greatest advocates. Subscribers can easily share this newsletter with friends and co-workers. And in return, they can earn some swag from it 😎

Sign up for a demo, and our genius developers will show you how to seamlessly bring Scalemail into your existing workflow. Let’s start scaling your email list!

What’s Your Legacy? 🥇

There are a LOT of feel-goods and implications to unpack in this ad. Maybe some of you don’t know Allyson Felix’s story, but the ad paints a clear portrait of a mother teaching her daughter hair care, like her mother did for her. Pantene’s ad with Felix is showcasing racial and gender themes subtly by celebrating her life in the ad, but alluding to the outside experiences Felix has faced. As the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games are coming up, it all seems like a perfectly timed and fitted brand partnership.

Ads from the Past

1970, Gremlin

If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.

Peter Drucker


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