Be in the Know
- Gmail for the win! The long-awaited Gmail right click is coming to an inbox near you. You’ll now have all the options of the top bar menu with one simple right click.
- Ready for another distraction? LinkedIn is rolling out live video. ‘Linked Live’ beta will roll out as an invite-only option over coming weeks.
IG Algorithm: True or False
We hear a lot about the ever-changing Instagram algorithm. How much is actually true though?
Our friends over at Later debunked 5 common myths about the IGA (add that to your social media dictionary).
- Instagram is limiting post reach to 7%. False. You may have seen some of your favorite brands addressing this concern through posts encouraging users to comment. These posts took the platform by storm, so much so that IG came out and debunked this myth.
- Comments less than 3 words impact engagement. Nope! There’s actually no evidence of this. It appears that IG pod trolls started this rumor. If you want folks to leave more than 3 word comments, be more specific with your questions and captions.
- Will liking someone’s posts show you more content from them? Yep. This is actually true. IG determines what content to show you by how you interact with brands.
- Does swiping through a story negatively impact the algorithm? Maybe. There’s no hard evidence on this one, but it appears the story feed works very similar to your photo feed. The more you watch, the more content you’ll see.
- Will switching to a business profile impact your engagement? That’s a tough one. Instagram has publicly stated: “We do not give extra feed presence to personal accounts or business accounts, so switching won’t help your reach.” There are a ton of benefits when switching to a business profile including access to analytics and scheduling posts but proceed with caution. That’s all we’re saying.

Stories Creator
Now that we’ve debunked some IG algorithm stuff, let’s talk about a sweet tool for your stories.
It’s called Stories Creator by Buffer. If you’re looking for a quick and dirty way to spit out an image for your stories, head over to Stories Creator here. It’s web-based and about as simple as can be.
What we like: It’s completely free. The UI is clean and super straight forward.
What we don’t like: 0 of the things.

Hyundai Versus Vegans
Let’s get you up to speed
Hyundai put out a commercial during the Super Bowl titled ‘The Elevator.’ Passengers are taken through life’s more pleasurable and not so pleasurable experiences.
Apparently, a vegan dinner party ranks pretty low on Hyundai’s pleasure scale. You can watch the whole commercial or fast forward to the :31 mark to see how the beef got started. See what we did there.
And so it begins…
PETA tweeted the following: “The trend of 2019 is taking the elevator UP to vegan dinner parties (& an Earth, heart, & animal-friendly lifestyle). Instead of buying a car from people with outdated ideas, we suggest a vegan Smartcar by Mercedes. Great mileage & acceleration, turns on a dime.”