You're Going to Hollywood! - Carney
The Daily Carnage

You’re Going to Hollywood!

Hollywood storytelling tips & a shark in the bathroom.

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Create shareable content: 5 Hollywood storytelling tips

*Deep authoritative movie narration voice*

In a time when mixed media dominates the attention of humanity, it’s up to marketers to cut through the chaos and deliver high-quality content. Coming every day because the Internet doesn’t quit soon to a social media channel near you.

Grab the popcorn and dim the lights because PR Daily is presenting 5 Hollywood storytelling tips for creating shareable content.

  • Watch movies…seriously. You don’t need to tell us twice! Hollywood blockbusters are made to appeal to a wide audience. There are a lot of techniques used to capture attention and tell stories in the best way possible. Take into account the structures of movies, character journeys, and the different shots. Never script for testimonial videos and stick to simple questions. For any narrated videos, always use a script and be sure to storyboard before shooting.
  • Understand the psychology of why people share. At the core of sharing is understanding. People want to be understood. People share things that align with their own beliefs or touch on topics that are important to them. By sharing, they are putting their name on something that resonates with them. This allows others to connect the shared content with the person who shared it which furthers a sense of understanding.
  • Personify, personify, personify. To craft content someone will share, the content needs to be relatable. People relate to people, so use a person as the focal point in your content. Craft a story around a customer or product engineer who achieved something, found something, discovered something, or overcame something.
  • Study the “Hero’s Journey.” People love to watch the transformation of a character. This means the main character needs to endure some sort of struggle they eventually overcome. If your customer is the hero, then they will overcome a challenge with the help of your product or service. Peoples’ experiences aren’t all sunshine and roses, so your story shouldn’t be either.

Keep reading for the final installment of this storytelling saga.

Video Downloader professional

We have plenty of avenues for streaming music and videos, and it might seem that the popularity of downloads has decreased since Steve Jobs promised 1,000 songs in your pocket. For videos you must download, use Video Downloader professional.

Whether you need to download a video to incorporate specific elements into your own video with permission, or you just like to keep files locally, this tool will come in handy. If you’d rather not download anything, then this Chrome plugin also doubles as a location to keep all your video sources together for easy access.

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1 part peanut butter + 1 part jelly + 2 slices of bread

That’s a recipe for a peanut butter & jelly sandwich.

Here’s another:

1 part peanut butter + 1 product you created + The Daily Carnage

That’s a recipe for success. (And some peanut butter left over to celebrate.)

We have all sorts of opportunities for you to tout what you do. Let’s find the one that works best.

Tools and more

DIY home improvement means self-improvement too. Whether you’re installing your own shelves or building some garden boxes, it’s all worth a pat on the back. However, some things ought to be delegated to the pros – like a leaking shark tank in the bathroom.

Toolstation brings us an ad with a plumber who gets called into a job like no other. How the heck did this lady get a freaking shark into her upstairs bathroom? What does she even feed the dang thing? So many questions!

Ads from the Past

1989, Keebler

“When you’ve got 5 minutes to fill, Twitter is a great way to fill 35 minutes.”

Matt Cutts

Last Friday our trivia question wasn’t one of our best for accuracy reasons and appropriateness. During this great month of March for Women’s History, we only want to highlight the good stuff.

As we love to inspire our readers with all things marketing, we appreciate our readers inspiring us to be better. Thank you to those who continue to keep us accountable!


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