Bye Bye 4G - Carney
The Daily Carnage

Bye Bye 4G

phones are getting faster…

Be in the Know

4 Ways to Use FB Messenger

Love it or hate it, Facebook Messenger works.

Stats from MobileMonkey show some jaw-dropping results:

80% open rates and 60% clickthrough rates. Sign us up, right?

Here are 4 Facebook Messenger features you can implement today.

  1. Comment Guard: This is a bot set up on organic Facebook posts. If someone comments on said post, they’ll automatically receive a message from you. Why we like ’em? They’re free and a great way to capture leads.
  2. Chat Blasting: Anyone need a new band name? Chat blasting is simple; it sends a message to everyone on your list. To get started with chat blasting, head over to your FB page settings -> Messenger Platform -> Advanced Messaging -> Request. It may take some time to get approved, so be patient. There’s one caveat with Chat Blasting; you can’t use it to send promotional content.
  3. Click to Messenger Ad: If you’re looking for a cheaper way to get leads, use ‘Click to Messenger Ads.’ In theory, they convert at 100% for leads because the potential lead has to send a message. Crazy, right?
  4. Chat Widget: A chat widget lives on your website and prompts visitors to start a chat through a popup. If you need ‘around the clock’ customer service and don’t have the human bandwidth, consider implementing a chat widget.

Alright, alright. You got some work to do!

Clarify Your Message

We’re mixing it up with a book recommendation today. This book has been around for a minute, but it’s a solid read.

If you’re looking for a straightforward framework on how to clarify your brand message, check out ‘Building a Story Brand.’

Movie Posters Explained

Today’s video comes in at 11 minutes, so you might have to save it for later, but it’s definitely worth a watch.

James Verdesoto is the mastermind graphic designer behind countless movies. In this short video, you get a true glimpse into the mind of a master. James discusses color schemes, spacing, and other visual elements and how they relate to marketing.

Ads from the Past

Volkswagen and the floating Beetle. 1973.


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