Snapchat Marketing 101
It’s time to talk about the social media platform that your company likely isn’t using. Snapchat. Y’know, that app with 300 million active users per month.
If your company hasn’t started to pivot to Snapchat—or Instagram for that matter—you’re missing out.
Today’s Listen gets to the bottom of using Snapchat for your business. The hosts of this podcast talk about getting started and providing value for your followers. More importantly, you’ll also hear about how you can tie Snapchat marketing efforts to business ROI.
Roll With the Marketing Tide
The New York Times just had the single best quarter for subscriber growth in its history. But it didn’t come without a few losses.
While print advertising revenue continued to fall, declining 17.9%, The NYT focused heavily on boosting its digital offerings. They also provided free Spotify access to readers who signed up for one-year digital subscriptions.
So, what’s the lesson? Print publishers are all struggling to find readers willing to pay for their services in a digital world. But, as the New York Times realized, sometimes you simply need to focus on what works.
Don’t beat a dead marketing channel. If your television marketing is fizzling, and you already know digital advertising is the way to go — because, well, it is — roll with the tide. Innovate in modern marketing channels instead of attempting to resuscitate old ones.
4 Types of People Who Never Succeed in Business
The guy who hates his job, complains but never does anything to change it. The person that wants to start a business with you but all of their ideas suck. Entrepreneurs that are actually just employees of their own business.
Warning: If you don’t know any of these people, you could be one of them.
In Today’s Watch, Dale Partridge addresses the dark side of business and defines 4 personalities you want to steer clear of:
- The Unfinisher
- The Selfish Partner
- The Executive Liar
- The Fearful Entrepreneur
“Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.”
Peter F. Drucker