Reach The Daily Carnage audience with a customizable sponsorship.
Be in The Know
- Musk confirms that like, retweet, and favorite counts will be removed from the X main feed.
- Marketers aren’t too worried about TikTok’s future, despite calls for national bans.
- Here’s a look behind Don Julio’s viral tequila shots at the Oscars.
- A new report reveals that advertisers are still spending millions on clickbait.
Increase Conversions on Your Booking Page
Ariyh uses peer-reviewed research to answer the question: How should we improve our demo booking form or page to increase the conversion rate?
- Add a review. Choose a short testimonial that addresses how your solution met their needs in present tense. Include the reviewer’s name, role, picture, and star rating.
- Make it feel personal. Add the names and pictures of 1 or 2 salespeople that will be joining the demo call, if possible (ex: “Chat with [Name]”). Add their titles for credibility as experts.
- Focus on the reader’s needs. Address benefits directly in the second person, i.e. “Let’s talk about what [product/service] can achieve for you.”
- Adjust the demo call’s time. Shorten the demo time to accommodate busy schedules, and use precise time estimates for credibility, i.e. “Book your 50-minute call.”
- Reduce the number of fields in the form. Require less mental effort from your users so they’re more likely to complete it. Collect only what you need and enrich data yourself using automated tools.
Take a look at the research behind the insights at Ariyh.
Q for You
Aboard turns your browser tabs, pics, docs, and more into organized boards of “cards” that you can visit and collect with intention. The opportunities for work and personal flow are endless — leads, books to read, shows to watch, apartments to tour, itineraries, competitive research, directories, recruiting — you name it. Plus, when you add the browser extension, you can add a card anywhere with one click.
Ad Man
Why did Minute Maid shell out for Jon Hamm to be the brand’s pitchman and then leave him hanging without a script?
The brand’s “Sells Itself” digital and social campaign is part of the brand’s objective to target juice skeptics about high sugar concerns and product quality.
The brief for this spot was simple, the set was wrapped without so much as an approved script, and the result is refreshing.