The LinkedIn Ad Types Every B2B Event Marketer Should Know
We wanna talk about B2B events. Things like seminars, webinars, fundraisers, concerts, conferences, so on and so forth. Specifically, how to get people to register for said events.
So naturally, we’re looking at LinkedIn. Don’t worry though, we’re keeping things super simple today. And Eventbrite is going to help us out!
Their crew singles out three common marketing goals: driving awareness, engagement, and registrations. If you pair these goals with the right type of LinkedIn ad, you’ll find out how to get the right people to sign up for any B2B event.
So let’s dig into these goals, shall we?
Awareness = Sponsored Content
Broaden awareness through LinkedIn with Sponsored Content. It appears in users’ feeds and can take the form of text, single image, carousel, or videos.
Use LinkedIn’s targeting capabilities to hone in on the right crowd for your event. Or create lookalikes using an email list you currently have.
Engagement = Sponsored InMail
Increase engagement with Sponsored InMail. Think of it as an alternative to email marketing. These personalized messages pop up into a user’s mailbox when the member is active on LinkedIn.
You want to do this with an audience who knows who you are. In other words, your email list.
Tip: If you successfully collect emails through Sponsored Content, then use Sponsored InMail to convert them, results can have a 25% increase in InMail open rates.
Registration = Dynamic Ads
If you want more registrations with a personal connection, you have to go with Dynamic Ads. Users will find it in the sidebar. Cassandra Clark, senior marketing manager of demand generation at LinkedIn explains, “Dynamic Ads help viewers really imagine themselves at your event, hearing or meeting your speaker.”
For whatever reason, many haven’t used Dynamic Ads yet. From our view, that’s a missed opportunity by not running this kind of ad.
Anyway, there ya have it. But, there’s still more to learn here…
Mamma mia here we go again. My my, how could we resist podcasts…
Nah, that isn’t as smooth as we hoped. We’re trying to say we found two newish podcasts for y’all to check out.
- How To Discover Great Content Ideas Using Reddit, YouTube, And Other Social Media Platforms with the Science of Social Media
- Why Live Streaming Is the Best Way to Connect With Heart with Convince & Convert’s Jay Baer

Invisible Content Syndrome and the Content Promotion Tactics to Cure It
Content promotion matters. A heck of a lot. A killer blog post without a promotion strategy is almost guaranteed to fail. On the flip side, an average blog post with a great promotion strategy can have some success.
A great blog post with a great promotion strategy? Well…that’s just a thing of beauty.
So what should you do to properly promote your content? TopRank asked a bunch of genius marketers what they do. Here are our favorite answers:
1) Ann Handley — “Wrap your content in context”
By that, Ann means that you need to explain why your content is worth reading. So rather than just dropping a link to your newest content on Facebook, add context.
Why should your audience read it? What is unique about it from other pieces on the same topic? For bonus points, shoot a quick video that explains these things and share that on social.
2) Andrew Davis — Don’t vomit on your audience.
Content creators usually publish something and then blast it via email, share it on LinkedIn, and create an Instagram post all at once.
Instead, you should promote your content on one platform at a time in a slower, more planned approach.
3) Cathy McPhillips — Have a plan.
A real plan. Not just, “oh we’ll tweet it out a couple of times.” Create a calendar with promotion dates, messaging, target audience, etc.
It might seem simple, but just this step will ensure that you don’t forget anything as time goes on.
4) Joe Pulizzi — Use the ‘Core 20’ rule of promotion.
There are usually 20 people in your universe who will highly benefit from the content you create. Those 20 people usually have loyal audiences. They may not be huge audiences, but they’ll be loyal. Get those 20 people involved before you create your content.
Insert their wisdom into your content. Then when it’s published, ask them to share it.
That’s all the wisdom we could fit in here today. Read on for more marketing genius 👇

Bigfoot Steps into Politics
We rarely feature political candidate ads in here. In fact, we’ve only ever done it once.
But that’s changing today because here’s our 2nd ever political ad…
Bigfoot is known for being…unknown. There are plenty of stories out there about the mythical beast but no hard evidence to prove he (or she) exists. But in this ad, Bigfoot is the one doing the hunting.
He’s on the lookout for Republican Erik Paulsen. Paulsen, according to Bigfoot, is always in hiding. Thousands of his constituents can never get ahold of him, and no one ever sees him in public. Bigfoot is trying to figure out if Paulsen really exists.
To find out, Bigfoot sets up a stakeout in the lobby of a Big Pharma company, you’ll have to watch to see what happens next…
“If your competitors start copying you, then you are doing something right!”
Jay Baer
Ads from the Past

Yukon Jack, a Canadian liquor, graced us with this ad back in 1981. Can you tell they focused on the manliest things they could think of?