7 Reasons Why No One is Watching Your Video Content
Even marketing videos on HubSpot were getting very little views back in the day. Good news for marketers everywhere because they learned a lot from their mistakes, and today’s Read is a list of the most common factors that keep viewers away.
Here’s the list, but HubSpot unpacks each one with clarity, case studies, and stats. (These are a few of our favorite things.)
- They’re too long.
- You’re going after the wrong audience. Entertainment aside, what does your target audience want to watch?
- You’re using the wrong channel. YouTube isn’t the only spot, but it is Gen Z’s fave place.
- You’re not promoting them on other channels.
- The title is misleading. No clickbait!
- You’re not optimizing it. Tags, description, and category are v important on YouTube.
- It doesn’t make the viewer feel anything.
More words of wisdom:
“I’ll never forget what HubSpot’s CEO, Brian Halligan, said to me during a chat about content creation: ‘You’re asking to borrow someone’s brain.’ When you ask someone to borrow anything, the considerate thing to do is to be respectful of that person’s time, and when they might need it back. Generally, we need our brains — so when you create something like video content, remember that you have your viewer’s brain on loan.”

New Google Ad Standards & Penalty Review Tool
Google. The Almighty Mediator when you and your S.O. are arguing about [fill in the blank]. Of course we use it for so much more than that, but is it ever as satisfying? If you’re in the marketing biz, the Good Googs provides a ton of tools, like AdWords, Analytics, Blog Search, AdSense, and many more.
We’re focusing on all things Google ads today with a vid about Google’s new stance on advertising. Google recently joined The Initial Better Ads Standards coalition, researching which ads are most annoying and least annoying to a viewer. Because, I think we can all agree here, that online ads are… not so great. Like the ones that autoplay with sounds or take up an entire page? Well, the Good Googs is taking measures to block ads that don’t comply with the Better Ads Standards. And there are penalties involved!
Learn all about these latest updates, guidelines, and more in today’s Watch.
“In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.”
Seth Godin